.. _configuration: =========================== Configuring the application =========================== The application is configured via two files: - the Paster ini-like file, located in etc/ - the Services configuration file. XXX more on file location Paster ini file =============== All Services projects provide a built-in web server that may be used to run a local instance. For example in *server-full*, once the project is built, you can run it:: $ bin/paster serve development.ini This will run a server on port 5000. Paster reads an ini-like file that defines among other things: - where the wsgi application is located - where the application configuration is located - the logging configuration - etc. The main sections we want to configure in this file are: - DEFAULT - server:main - app:main - logging DEFAULT ------- The default section defines four optional values (all are set to False by default): 1. **debug**: if set to True, will activate the debug mode. 2. **client_debug**: if set to True, will return in the body of the response any traceback when a 500 occurs. 3. **translogger**: will display in the stdout all requests made on the server. 4. **profile**: will activate a profiler and generate cachegrind infos. Example:: [DEFAULT] debug = True translogger = False profile = False server:main ----------- Defines the web server to use to run the app with Paster. See Paster documentation for more info. Example:: [server:main] use = egg:Paste#http host = port = 5000 use_threadpool = True threadpool_workers = 60 .. _config-app-main: app:main -------- Defines the server entry point. See Paster documentation for more info. **configuration** can point to a configuration file for the server. It uses a *file:* prefix. Example:: [app:main] use = egg:SyncServer configuration = file:%(here)s/etc/sync.conf logging ------- Logging is done using the logging configuration. See Python's logging documentation for more details. The Sync server uses the **syncserver** logger everywhere. In the following example, all Sync errors are logged in a specific file as long as **DEFAULT:debug** is activated. Other logs are in a separate file:: [loggers] keys = root,syncserver [handlers] keys = global,errors [formatters] keys = generic [logger_root] level = WARNING handlers = global [logger_syncserver] qualname = syncserver level = INFO handlers = global, errors propagate = 0 [handler_global] class = handlers.RotatingFileHandler args = ('/var/log/sync.log',) level = DEBUG formatter = generic [handler_errors] class = handlers.RotatingFileHandler args = ('/var/log/sync-error.log',) level = ERROR formatter = generic [formatter_generic] format = %(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s datefmt = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S .. _profile-config: Configuring the profiler ------------------------ Activates the **repoze.profile** middleware. XXX .. _config-file: Configuration file ================== The server uses a global configuration file. The file location is configured in the Paster ini file (as the `configuration` setting in the `[app:main]` section), and it is loaded when the application starts. See :ref:`config-app-main`. The configuration file has one section for each module loaded by the application. The configuration data will be available on the application object as a dictionary-like object stored in the `config` attribute. The settings from the `[global]` section will be stored as the simple key name, while the settings from the other sections will be keyed as `.`. So:: [global] foo = bar baz = bawlp [storage] bing = boom [auth] snaf = foo Would produce the following `app.config`:: {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'bawlp', 'storage.bing': 'boom', 'auth.snaf': 'foo'} Additionally, `config.get_section` will return a dictionary containing only the settings from the specified section, without the prefix. So continuing the example above... `app.config.get_section('global')` would return:: {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'bawlp'} `app.config.get_section('storage')` would return:: {'bing': 'boom} Multi-Config Sections --------------------- In addition to supporting standard "INI" file conventions, Server-Core based applications provide an ability to use namespaced section headers to allow for multiple, similar variations of a config section to be registered simultaneously. The storage service used by the sync server is an example of where this is useful. Each storage server instance is associated with a specific set of back end storage nodes, usually all of the nodes that are located in the same location as the storage server itself. The storage server loads a separate configuration for each storage node, all similar save for the database connection URL. Example:: [storage] backend = memcached cache_servers = sqluri = mysql://localhost/sync standard_collections = false use_quota = true quota_size = 5120 pool_size = 100 pool_recycle = 3600 [host:node0] storage.sqluri = mysql://sync:sync@db1.example.com/sync [host:node1] storage.sqluri = mysql://sync:sync@db1.example.com/sync [host:node2] storage.sqluri = mysql://sync:sync@db2.example.com/sync [host:node3] storage.sqluri = mysql://sync:sync@db2.example.com/sync The generated config object would then have sections named `storage`, `host:node0`, `host:node1`, etc., as you might expect. In addition to being available as separate sections, however, these configurations can be merged with the sections they refer to to generate "override" configs. These are made available via the `merge(*sections)` method on the config object. So, `app.config` would produce:: {'storage.backend': 'memcached', 'storage.cache_servers': ['', ''], 'storage.sqluri': 'mysql://localhost/sync', 'storage.standard_collections': False, 'storage.use_quota': True, 'storage.quota_size': 5120, 'storage.pool_size': 100, 'storage.pool_recycle': 3600, 'host:node0.storage.sqluri': 'mysql://sync:sync@db1.example.com/sync', 'host:node1.storage.sqluri': 'mysql://sync:sync@db1.example.com/sync', 'host:node2.storage.sqluri': 'mysql://sync:sync@db2.example.com/sync', 'host:node3.storage.sqluri': 'mysql://sync:sync@db2.example.com/sync', } while `app.config.merge('host:node0')` would give:: {'storage.backend': 'memcached', 'storage.cache_servers': ['', ''], 'storage.standard_collections': False, 'storage.use_quota': True, 'storage.quota_size': 5120, 'storage.pool_size': 100, 'storage.pool_recycle': 3600, 'storage.sqluri': 'mysql://sync:sync@db1.example.com/sync', 'host:node0.storage.sqluri': 'mysql://sync:sync@db1.example.com/sync', 'host:node1.storage.sqluri': 'mysql://sync:sync@db1.example.com/sync', 'host:node2.storage.sqluri': 'mysql://sync:sync@db2.example.com/sync', 'host:node3.storage.sqluri': 'mysql://sync:sync@db2.example.com/sync', } Global ------ Global settings for the applications, under the **global** section. Available options (o: optional, m: multi-line, d: default): - **retry_after** [o, default:1800]: Value in seconds of the Retry-After header sent back when a 503 occurs in the application. - **heartbeat_page** [o, default:__heartbeat__]: defines the path of the heartbeat page. The heartbeat page is used by an HTTP Monitor to check that the server is still running properly. It returns a 200 if everything works, and a 503 if there's an issue. A typical issue is the inability for the application to reach a backend server, like MySQL or OpenLDAP. - **debug_page** [o, default:None]: defines the path of the debug page. The debug page displays environ information. **Warning**: This page may expose private data. Once activated, it is not password-protected. If you use it, make sure the web server (Apache, Nginx) protects it from anonymous access. This feature is disabled by default to avoid any security issue. - **shared_secret** [o, default: None]: defines a secret string that can be used by the client when creating users, to bypass the captcha challenge. - **graceful_shutdown_interval** [o, default: 1]: Number of seconds before the app starts to shutdown. New requests are still accepted but the heartbeat page starts to return 503. - **hard_shutdown_interval** [o, default: 1]: Number of seconds before the app is shut down. Any new call returns a 503, and pending requests have that time to finish up the work before the app dies. Notice that an event is triggered when the process ends, giving a chance for apps to cleanup things. Example:: [global] retry_after = 60 heartbeat_page = __another_heartbeat_url_ debug_page = __debug__ Storage ------- The storage section is **storage**. It contains everything needed by the storage server to read and write data. Available options (o: optional, m: multi-line, d: default): - **backend**: backend used for the storage. Takes the fully qualified name of the class. Existing backends : - **syncstorage.storage.sql.SQLStorage** - **syncstorage.storage.memcached.MemcachedSQLStorage**. - **cache_servers** [o, m]: list of memcached servers (host:port) - **sqluri**: uri for the DB. see RFC-1738 for the format. *driver://username:password@host:port/database*. Supported drivers are: sqlite, postgres, oracle, mssql, mysql, firebird - **standard_collections** [o, default: true]: if set to true, the server will use hardcoded values for collections. - **use_quota** [o, default:false]: if set to false, users will not have any quota. - **quota_size** [o, default:none]: quota size in KB - **pool_size** [o, default:100]: define the size of the SQL connector pool. - **pool_recycle** [o, default:3600]: time in ms to recycle a SQL connection that was closed. Example:: [storage] backend = memcached cache_servers = sqluri = mysql://sync:sync@localhost/sync standard_collections = false use_quota = true quota_size = 5120 pool_size = 100 pool_recycle = 3600 Authentication -------------- The authentication section is **auth**. It contains everything needed for authentication and registration. Available options (o: optional, m: multi-line, d: default): - **backend**: backend used for the storage. Existing backends : - **services.auth.sql.SQLAuth** - **services.auth.ldap.LDAPAuth** - **services.auth.dummy.DummyAuth** - **ldapuri** [o]: uri for the LDAP server when the ldap backend is used. - **ldap_use_pool** [o, default:False]: If True, a pool of connectors is used. - **ldap_pool_size** [o, default:10]: Size of the ldap pool when used. - **use_tls** [o, default:false]: If set to true, activates TLS when using LDAP. - **bind_user** [o, default:none]: user for common LDAP queries. - **bind_password** [o, default:none]: password for the bind user. - **admin_user** [o, default:none]: user with extended rights for write operations. - **admin_password** [o, default:none]: password for the admin user. - **users_root** [o, default:none]: root for all ldap users. If set to *md5* will generate a specific location based on the md5 hash of the user name. - **cache_servers** [o, m]: list of memcached servers (host:port) - **sqluri**: uri for the DB. see RFC-1738 for the format. *driver://username:password@host:port/database*. Supported drivers are: sqlite, postgres, oracle, mssql, mysql, firebird - **pool_size** [o, default:100]: define the size of the SQL connector pool. - **pool_recycle** [o, default:3600]: time in ms to recycle a SQL connection that was closed. Example:: [auth] backend = ldap ldapuri = ldap://localhost:390 ldap_timeout = -1 ldap_use_pool = true ldap_pool_size = 100 use_tls = false bind_user = "cn=admin,dc=mozilla" bind_password = admin admin_user = "cn=admin,dc=mozilla" admin_password = admin users_root = "ou=users,dc=mozilla" sqluri = mysql://sync:sync@localhost/sync pool_size = 100 pool_recycle = 3600 cache_servers = Captcha ------- The **captcha** section enables the re-captcha feature during user registration. Available options (o: optional, m: multi-line, d: default): - **use**: if set to false, all operations will be done without captcha. - **public_key**: public key for reCaptcha. - **private_key**: private key for reCaptcha. - **use_ssl**: if set to true, will use SSL when connecting to reCaptcha. Example:: [captcha] use = true public_key = 6Le8OLwSAAAAAK-wkjNPBtHD4Iv50moNFANIalJL private_key = 6Le8OLwSAAAAAEKoqfc-DmoF4HNswD7RNdGwxRij use_ssl = false .. warning:: The keys provided in this example work, as they were generated to provide a realistic example. But do not use them in your applications. Instead, you should generate a new set of keys for you own domain. See: https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/create SMTP ---- The **smtp** section configures the SMTP connection used by the application to send e-mails. Available options (o: optional, m: multi-line, d: default): - **host** [o, default:localhost]: SMTP host - **port** [o, default:25]: SMTP port - **username** [o, default:none]: SMTP user - **password** [o, default:none]: SMTP password - **sender** [o]: E-mail used for the sender field. Example:: [smtp] host = localhost port = 25 sender = weave@mozilla.com .. _config-cef: CEF --- The **cef** section configures how CEF security alerts are emitted. Available options (o: optional, m: multi-line, d: default): - **use**: if set to true, CEF alerts are emitted. - **file**: location of the CEF log file. Can be a file path or *syslog* to use the syslog facility. - **syslog.options** [o, default:none]: comma-separated values for syslog. Authorized values are: PID, CONS, NDELAY, NOWAIT, PERROR - **syslog.priority** [o, default:INFO]: priority level. Authorized values: EMERG, ALERT, CRIT, ERR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO, DEBUG. - **syslog.facility** [o, default:LOCAL4]: facility. Authorized values: KERN, USER, MAIL, DAEMON, AUTH, LPR, NEWS, UUCP, CRON and LOCAL0 to LOCAL7. - **vendor**: CEF-specific option. - **version**: CEF-specific option. - **device_version**: CEF-specific option. - **product**: CEF-specific option. Example:: [cef] use = true file = syslog syslog.options = PID,CONS syslog.priority = DEBUG syslog.facility = USER vendor = mozilla version = 0 device_version = 1.3 product = weave