=============== Server API v1.0 =============== General Description =================== The only valid HTTP response codes are 200 and 304 since those are part of the protocol and expected to happen. Anything else, like 400, 403, 404 or 503 must result in a complete termination of the password exchange. The client can retry the exchange then at a later time, starting all over with clean state. Every call must be done with a ''X-KeyExchange-Id'' header, containing a half-session identifier for the channel. This client ID must be a string of 256 chars. The server will keep track of the two first ids used for a given channel, from its creation to its deletion and will close the channel and issue a 400 if any request is made with an unknown id or with no id at all. Last, if a given IP attempts to flood the server with a lot of calls in a short time, it will be blacklisted for 10 minutes return 403s in the interim for any requests made from the same IP. When receiving this error code, legitimate clients can fall back to a manual transaction. A client that generates a lot of bad requests will also be blacklisted, but for an hour. APIS ==== **GET** **https://server/new_channel** Returns in the response body a JSON-encoded random channel id of N chars from [a-z0-9]. When the API is called, the id returned is guaranteed to be unique. The created channel will have a limited TTL (currently configured to 5 minutes). Return codes: - 200: channel created successfully - 503: the server was unable to create a new channel. - 400: Bad or no client ID. The channel is deleted. - 403: the IP is blacklisted. **GET https://server/channel_id** Returns in the response body the content of the channel of id ''channel_id''. Returns an ''ETag'' response header containing a unique hash. The request can contain a ''If-None-Match'' header containing a hash. If the hash is similar to the current hash of the channel, the server will return a 304 and an empty body. The number of GET calls for a given channel are limited to 6. The channel will be deleted by the server after 6 successful GETs. Return codes: - 200: data retrieved successfully - 404: the channel does not exists. It was not created by a call to ''new_channel'' or timed out. - 304: the data was not changed. - 400: Bad or no client ID. The channel is deleted. - 403: the IP is blacklisted. **PUT https://server/channel_id** Put in the channel of id ''channel_id'' the content of the request body. Returns an ''ETag'' response header containing a unique hash. If an If-Match Header is provided, it must be the value of the etag before the update to the channel is applied, or \*. If different, a precondition failed code is returned. If a If-None-Match header is provided and equals to \*, and if the channel is not empty (e.g. some data has been already put in the channel), a precondition failed code is returned. Return codes: - 200: data set successfully - 404: the channel does not exists. It was not created by a call to ''new_channel'' or timed out. - 400: Bad or no client ID. The channel is deleted. - 403: the IP is blacklisted. - 412: a precondition failed. **POST https://server/report** Reports a log to the server, and optionally asks for a channel deletion. The log is the body of the request. If the request contains a ''X-KeyExchange-Log'' header, its value is prepended to the log provided in the body. In other words, the header can be used for small logs, and the body for more info. The body size is limited to 2000 chars. If both body and headers are empty, nothing is logged. The current errors reported by the client are described in the next section, but the log is a free-form string. **Warning**: Under a normal exchange the server is able to count the number of calls and close the channel at the end, so this API is not to be used to close the channel. Some value should be reported to generate a security log. The client is therefore encouraged to always provide a report value when calling. Optionally, if the request contains the ''X-KeyExchange-Id'' header and a ''X-KeyExchange-Cid'' header containing the channel id, the channel will be deleted by the server. Return codes: - 200: logged successfully - 403: the IP is blacklisted. - 400: bad request (missing log or bad ids) Error messages ============== - **jpake.error.timeout** (Timeout) : Reported when the exchange is aborted due to timeouts. - **jpake.error.invalid** (Invalid message): Reported when a malformed message is received. A malformed message is one that doesn't correctly parse as JSON. - **jpake.error.wrongmessage** (Wrong message): Reported when the wrong message is received, as identified by the ``type`` property in the JSON blob. - **jpake.error.internal** (Internal J-PAKE failure): Reported when a J-PAKE computation step or encryption/decryption step fails. - **jpake.error.keymismatch** (Key mismatch): Reported when the SHA256 or HMAC verification fails, in other words when the PIN wasn't entered correctly and both sides ended up with different keys. - **jpake.error.server** (Unexpected Server Response): Reported when unexpected HTTP response from the J-PAKE server is received. - **jpake.error.userabort (User Abort)** : Reported when a client aborts the J-PAKE transaction; for example, when canceling a setup wizard.